I watched a show last night on TLC about instances in the ER that rarely happen and seem to go untold. Hence, the program was rightfully named "The Untold Stories of the ER." The show phased in and out between three different stories. Each story had its very own doctor who explained the event that he saw was a part of.
My favorite story was about a woman who was brought into the ER naked with burn marks on her legs and strange, satanic paint markings on her abdomen. As the doctor was trying to get her to respond to him, because she was conscience and seemed to be aware of everything that was going on around her, he soon figured out that she was deaf. He asked her if she could read lips. In response, she nodded that she could and so he continued to speak to her while he sent for someone who could sign. What happens next is creepy. She motioned the doctor to come closer to her. Immediately after he bent down close to her head, she jumped up and started to strangle him while blabbering some kind of satanic jabber. It took all four nurses, according to the dramatization, to get her off of him and pin her down. Now the doctor is totally clueless to really anything that's going on: the burns on her legs and the sudden change in behavior. Not short after the attack, the woman's psychiatrist calls in and informs the doctor and his nurses that the woman has multiple personalities. The deaf personality was one of the nice ones, but the personality of the one who was an occultist was trying to purify herself by killing the deaf one. The psychiatrist informed the doctor that there was another personality, a nice one who was not deaf and mute, that also existed and was aware of the conflicts between the other two. When the doctor went back to his patient, the nice, normal person personality had now come into the forefront of the picture. For the remainder of her stay, she kept this personality. The doctor had some people from the psychiatric ward come to interview her. According to him, they would take better care of her than her normal psychiatrist.
If you don't believe me that this actually happened, you should consider that I saw it on TLC, which stands for "The Learning Channel." With a name like that, how could it not have happened?
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Here are my top ten favorite radiohead songs. They are in no particular order and not very much thought has been put into it. So here's my list as best as I can present it in a short amount of time:
-"Where I End and You Begin"
-"Climbing Up the Walls"
-How To Disappear Completely"
-"Fake Plastic Tree"
-"Let Down"
-"Everything In Its Right Place"
-"Exit Music (For a Film)"
-"The National Anthem"
-"No Surprises"
That's probably not a very accurate list, but these are some of my favorites, even though the majority of radiohead's music is pretty much my favorite.
-"Where I End and You Begin"
-"Climbing Up the Walls"
-How To Disappear Completely"
-"Fake Plastic Tree"
-"Let Down"
-"Everything In Its Right Place"
-"Exit Music (For a Film)"
-"The National Anthem"
-"No Surprises"
That's probably not a very accurate list, but these are some of my favorites, even though the majority of radiohead's music is pretty much my favorite.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Here in this photograph I was documenting the life of the wealthy aristocratic canine. It seems so wrong that in this day and age there is an ever increasing chasm between the dogs on the street and the ones that live so comfortably with loving masters who dote on them and take good care of them. This is America! This is the land of opportunity! But no! Only a handful of dogs are ever able to make the jump from the poor stray to the affluent best friend!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
You know what pisses me off? The fact that Wal-Mart is starting to implement Subway as the new fast-food store in its stores. Basically, Wal-Mart is unwilling to admit that it is a big nasty megacompany that distorts beautiful land by building its ugly, albeit convenient, stores. Wal-Mart knows that there are many people out there who are disappointed with it---the way it treats it's "associates," the shoddyness of some of its goods, the ugleness of its buildings. So, in an effort to redeem themselves and wash their hands of all that people disapprove of them for, they've decided to replace McDonalds with Subway because:
A) Subway is healthy(er) and
B) Micky D's is a big and evil company, too, and is at constant emnity with Wal-Mart because of power struggle. Truthfully, I don't honestly know why Wal-Mart made the switch other than it's better for it's image---yes, it's powerful, brazen image.
So why am I actually pissed off? I wasn't able to get something off of the McDonalds Dollar Menu during thanksgiving when I was a Wally World with my mom and sistor. I was pretty hungry and I needed immediate satisfaction for my stomach; although, I don't really know if I would call the food at McDonalds "satifaction for the stomach."
Have a good day. I hope that none of you guys have to go to Wal-Mart or McDonalds any time soon.
A) Subway is healthy(er) and
B) Micky D's is a big and evil company, too, and is at constant emnity with Wal-Mart because of power struggle. Truthfully, I don't honestly know why Wal-Mart made the switch other than it's better for it's image---yes, it's powerful, brazen image.
So why am I actually pissed off? I wasn't able to get something off of the McDonalds Dollar Menu during thanksgiving when I was a Wally World with my mom and sistor. I was pretty hungry and I needed immediate satisfaction for my stomach; although, I don't really know if I would call the food at McDonalds "satifaction for the stomach."
Have a good day. I hope that none of you guys have to go to Wal-Mart or McDonalds any time soon.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
It's 1 o'clock in the morning here in my bedroom in ye olde Lubbock, TX. I'm drinking an IBC root beer while listening to "Trains to Brazil" by the Guillemots, who incidently, aren't that good. I can hear the tremendous winds howling by window as they speed through the small section of space between our house and the neighbors'. I am now listening to "You're It" by Halloween, Alaska, which incidently, is a beautiful song. It's a little later and my root beer is more in my stomach and less in its glass container.
"You're it,
the silver on a little cloud.
You're it,
and this is the shit that I've been talking about.
You're it,
the sickness in a thinning crowd.
Your it,
and this is the shit that I've been talking about."
"You're it,
the silver on a little cloud.
You're it,
and this is the shit that I've been talking about.
You're it,
the sickness in a thinning crowd.
Your it,
and this is the shit that I've been talking about."
There are two things you should know about me.
1) Octopi have eight tentacles, and
2) I like IBC Root Beer ...a lot.
2) I like IBC Root Beer ...a lot.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
I've got a picture---a really cool looking picture. I've got a Jesus picture on the green wall of my bedroom. It's only 6" x 5". It's not very big. It's humble. It's gentle. I like it because the portrayal of Jesus Christ in this picture is not very representational. It has an abstract quality that intensifies the humble posture of His body and the solemn look on His face. It reminds me of how the greatest King is a most majestic servant who refused to open His mouth in the face of accusation and death because of His wonderful love and obedience. Totally left alone, He bore the weight of sin and shame fully upon Himself. It was heavy but He was God. He conquered that hefty burden. He's good. He's the very image of Almighty God, both as fierce as a warrior and gentle as a shepherd.
I really like that Jesus picture on the green wall of my bedroom.
I really like that Jesus picture on the green wall of my bedroom.
Friday, November 03, 2006
"She Has No Time"
If you haven't heard of Keane, you should check this beauty out. If you have heard of Keane and never heard this song, you should check this beauty out. If you have heard of Keane and have checked this beauty out, I hope you are swelling with emotion as you read this.
If you haven't heard of Keane, you should check this beauty out. If you have heard of Keane and never heard this song, you should check this beauty out. If you have heard of Keane and have checked this beauty out, I hope you are swelling with emotion as you read this.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Why Not Try to Possess Some Mystic? It Will Make You Feel Cool to Yourself, and You'll Be Healthier, More Positive, and Better at Decision-Making.
I realize that a lot of people like to express and even pour out their feelings in their online journals/blogs. I don't think I put to much of my inner feelings on my blog. To do so would mean that I'd be showing my humanity before an audience I'm not too sure I would really be comfortable doing that with. Nonetheless, I hope that my little blog here lacks no depth, which can be hard to conjure up if you don't express the inner recesses of your souled self. So, in order to prescribe my blog some depth, here's something Picasso said:
"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
You can do with that quote whatever you want. Picasso is sort of a misfit in some circles, and some people just might want to disregard it. I remember being taught growing up that he was a creep, wierdo, and the devil's best friend (I'm kidding about the devil's best friend, but it sounds funny and legalistic.).
"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
You can do with that quote whatever you want. Picasso is sort of a misfit in some circles, and some people just might want to disregard it. I remember being taught growing up that he was a creep, wierdo, and the devil's best friend (I'm kidding about the devil's best friend, but it sounds funny and legalistic.).
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
This is Buddy

Yeah, he's cute but he's not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. Nonetheless, no one ever expected dogs to be very smart anyway. Sometimes I get irritated with Buddy and my roommates think that I hate him, but that's not true. I love Buddy; it's just a tensioned love because he doesn't understand that I don't like him constantly jumping on and biting my legs. We let Buddy get away with too much. It's because he's cute.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Something that's taken for granted
Flossing. Let's face it, folks, only a small number of Americans actually floss on a daily basis. I'm not in that minority. The person reading this probably isn't in that minority. I wish I was in it. I wish you were in it. And here's why: Everytime I go to the dental-hygenist for the semi-annual cleaning, my gums are always left in an uncomfortable pain because she (because dental-hygenists are always of the female persuasion) put the floss to the inner recesses between my teeth.
I flossed my teeth tonight and my gums weren't very happy about that. With consistency, though, the little guys will become tough hard-a's soon enough. I just have to stick with it. Did I also mention that flossing daily is good in the prevention of cavities. It's a win-win situation.
I flossed my teeth tonight and my gums weren't very happy about that. With consistency, though, the little guys will become tough hard-a's soon enough. I just have to stick with it. Did I also mention that flossing daily is good in the prevention of cavities. It's a win-win situation.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Pale Like White
"It felt like rain
That fell again
Down on me
It felt like rain
That touched my face
And I can't believe it
Like rain
I can't believe it
No, I can't believe it
The things You said
seem to find their way into my head
And I regret my ways
You never left
Remind me once again so I won't forget
You're never far away
It felt like rain
That said again
That it's okay
Pale like white
I close my eyes
'Cause I can't believe it---the way You forgive me"
"Forgiveness" ~Luna Halo
That fell again
Down on me
It felt like rain
That touched my face
And I can't believe it
Like rain
I can't believe it
No, I can't believe it
The things You said
seem to find their way into my head
And I regret my ways
You never left
Remind me once again so I won't forget
You're never far away
It felt like rain
That said again
That it's okay
Pale like white
I close my eyes
'Cause I can't believe it---the way You forgive me"
"Forgiveness" ~Luna Halo
Monday, August 14, 2006
"When you look at, there can be no hesitation. There cannot be a close second to you."
I'm beginning to get tired of this long hair. It's starting to get in my eyes. It's a well-known fact that eyes don't take well to foreign objects entering into them. Hair's not an exception. In fact, I don't even know how girls cope [ha ha... a shameless reference to Copeland, a rock band that I like heaps] with it, but they do. And this cues in a little bit of an insight. There's a reason why girls should be treated so well by guys. It's because they put up with so much crap for my gender's gratification, satisfaction, and all those other words that end in "tion".
On a different note about an above reference, I still like Copeland. Nathan, if you read this post, realize that even though "Testing the Strong Ones" has a very generic emo rythym to it, you can't dismiss the whole Beneath Medicine Tree album for that reason alone. Give it another chance. If that doesn't do it for you, give it two more chances. Finally, if that doesn't do it for you, know that you tried to like it. That'll be satisfactory.
On a different note about an above reference, I still like Copeland. Nathan, if you read this post, realize that even though "Testing the Strong Ones" has a very generic emo rythym to it, you can't dismiss the whole Beneath Medicine Tree album for that reason alone. Give it another chance. If that doesn't do it for you, give it two more chances. Finally, if that doesn't do it for you, know that you tried to like it. That'll be satisfactory.
Bradley Hathaway: a Poet
Step 1: go to http://www.myspace.com/bradleyhathaway
Step 2: listen to the "boobie poem"
Step 3 (this applies to the majority of people reading this post): laugh at how true and "in-yo-face" it is. I did. I was also inspired.
If you want to listen to the other recorded poems he has, they are good, too. He does have a sort of whiny voice, though ...just a disclaimer.
Step 2: listen to the "boobie poem"
Step 3 (this applies to the majority of people reading this post): laugh at how true and "in-yo-face" it is. I did. I was also inspired.
If you want to listen to the other recorded poems he has, they are good, too. He does have a sort of whiny voice, though ...just a disclaimer.
It's been a while since I last posted on my poor forsaken blog. (I love you blog...just want you to know this.) So here's the dirt:
1. The 18th of August, that's when I go back to Lubbock. That's when I go back to school. That's when I go back to having countless adventures in a far-off, dust-filled, windy land.
Getting ready to go back to Lubbock: C+ (It's not too bad preparing to move into a house, but it's not a walk in the park.)
2. For anyone interested, lifeguarding is way overrated. Having nothing to do but sit in the sun and live in fear of burning alive is not a good way to spend your time. Lifeguarding: D-
3. The only coffee shop Kerrville has is Starbucks, which means that's it's the new hangout place for kids and middle-aged folks going through mid-life crisis. I'm kidding about the mid-life-crisis people. On a different note, I did overhear a man and a woman who were in their thirties talking about love at this particular Starbucks. It reminded me of a scene from a movie almost. So, based soley on this one event, I've made a generalization. Kids and young adults in their twenties go to local, more romantic coffee shops to share in one another's love, but men in their thirties and forties take their dates to Starbucks because they've been in corporate america for so long that they no longer no any other coffee shop other than ye olde Starbucks.
Making total assumptions based on one event: A+ (This is a lot of fun to do because it really pisses people off and they think that you're actually serious about it most of the time.)
Starbucks in general: C
Starbucks in Kerrville: B (it's all we have...and it's on the river, which is nice.)
1. The 18th of August, that's when I go back to Lubbock. That's when I go back to school. That's when I go back to having countless adventures in a far-off, dust-filled, windy land.
Getting ready to go back to Lubbock: C+ (It's not too bad preparing to move into a house, but it's not a walk in the park.)
2. For anyone interested, lifeguarding is way overrated. Having nothing to do but sit in the sun and live in fear of burning alive is not a good way to spend your time. Lifeguarding: D-
3. The only coffee shop Kerrville has is Starbucks, which means that's it's the new hangout place for kids and middle-aged folks going through mid-life crisis. I'm kidding about the mid-life-crisis people. On a different note, I did overhear a man and a woman who were in their thirties talking about love at this particular Starbucks. It reminded me of a scene from a movie almost. So, based soley on this one event, I've made a generalization. Kids and young adults in their twenties go to local, more romantic coffee shops to share in one another's love, but men in their thirties and forties take their dates to Starbucks because they've been in corporate america for so long that they no longer no any other coffee shop other than ye olde Starbucks.
Making total assumptions based on one event: A+ (This is a lot of fun to do because it really pisses people off and they think that you're actually serious about it most of the time.)
Starbucks in general: C
Starbucks in Kerrville: B (it's all we have...and it's on the river, which is nice.)
Saturday, June 03, 2006
I have a high systolic blood pressure.
It's either that or the machine at Wal-Mart that checks it is messed up. My point? Blood pressure is a good thing to check up on from time to time. This is the first time I've actually checked it in probably 5 years, and back then I didn't even know what it meant.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
I Like Death Cab for Cutie.
There's a song by Death Cab for Cutie called "Passenger's Seat." Here are the lyrics.
I roll the window down
And then begin to breathe in
The darkest country road
And the strong scent of evergreen
From the passenger seat as
You are driving me home.
Then looking upwards,
I strain my eyes and try
To tell the difference between
Shooting stars and satellites
From the passenger's seat as
You are driving me home.
"Do they collide?"
I ask and you smile.
With my feet on the dash
The world doesn't matter.
When you feel embarrassed,
Then I'll be your pride.
When you need directions,
Then I'll be the guide
For all time.
For all time.
This song remineses the story of a young boy riding right next to his father in the car on their way home. The cool thing about the dialog is the accuracy of the ideas and mannerisms in it ("with my feet on the dash, the world doesn't matter.") They tell the story in a way that most people could relate to on their initial listening. Additionally, the words Ben Gibbard uses to portray these ideas are also so precise that they help in giving a strong portrayal to the story a young boy riding in the car with his father. I particularly enjoy the line, '"Do they collide?" I ask and you smile.' That's so cool.
I roll the window down
And then begin to breathe in
The darkest country road
And the strong scent of evergreen
From the passenger seat as
You are driving me home.
Then looking upwards,
I strain my eyes and try
To tell the difference between
Shooting stars and satellites
From the passenger's seat as
You are driving me home.
"Do they collide?"
I ask and you smile.
With my feet on the dash
The world doesn't matter.
When you feel embarrassed,
Then I'll be your pride.
When you need directions,
Then I'll be the guide
For all time.
For all time.
This song remineses the story of a young boy riding right next to his father in the car on their way home. The cool thing about the dialog is the accuracy of the ideas and mannerisms in it ("with my feet on the dash, the world doesn't matter.") They tell the story in a way that most people could relate to on their initial listening. Additionally, the words Ben Gibbard uses to portray these ideas are also so precise that they help in giving a strong portrayal to the story a young boy riding in the car with his father. I particularly enjoy the line, '"Do they collide?" I ask and you smile.' That's so cool.
Monday, May 15, 2006
"Sleep Now Moon"
Sleep now moon.
I'll watch over her while the sun is up,
And you'll have her eyes again soon.
It's a glorious day
And my lonely heart is tired again
And I am
Starved for her attention, oh
That's when Paula sparks, oh
That's when Paula sparks a little light in my eyes
(Ever since she went away)
That's when Paula sparks a little light in my eyes
(I miss her more everyday)
That's when Puala sparks, oh
Sleep now sweet princess.
I'll cheer for you silently
And carefully not to disturb, oh.
And I'll be ready on that evening
When you're starved for my attention
And you'll say
You'll say
"Wait now prince.
There's a brilliant sky above
and a jealous moon in love and they are
Starved for our attention, oh."
"When Paula Sparks" ~ Copeland
I'll watch over her while the sun is up,
And you'll have her eyes again soon.
It's a glorious day
And my lonely heart is tired again
And I am
Starved for her attention, oh
That's when Paula sparks, oh
That's when Paula sparks a little light in my eyes
(Ever since she went away)
That's when Paula sparks a little light in my eyes
(I miss her more everyday)
That's when Puala sparks, oh
Sleep now sweet princess.
I'll cheer for you silently
And carefully not to disturb, oh.
And I'll be ready on that evening
When you're starved for my attention
And you'll say
You'll say
"Wait now prince.
There's a brilliant sky above
and a jealous moon in love and they are
Starved for our attention, oh."
"When Paula Sparks" ~ Copeland
Sunday, May 14, 2006
I Live in the Boonies...No Cell Phone Service Whatsoever.
I used to live in the city of Kerrville. I liked living in the city of Kerrville. My cell phone (which has a lubbock area code) got service, we had time warner cable*, and lastly, it didn't take 20 minutes to get to river right by starbucks (as opposed to the starbucks by the river**). We recently moved to a housing division outside of Kerrville. My point here is that I can't recieve or send calls to people where I live now; I've tried. Most of the people in my cell phone directory are my friends from college. I can't really call them, nor can they call me. So if any of you are reading this who have my cell phone number, don't bother calling me; it probably won't get through, that is, if you wanted to in the first place. On a side note, I tried calling my friend Andrew and couldn't get ahold of him. That's what it's like.
*I liked time warner cable because it had Food Network on it. The cable we have now, which is from Dallas of all places, doesn't have Food Network. What kind of garbage is this? Why don't they have Food Network? That channel kicks serious backside. Congradulations Extended Cable, you've thouroughly disappointed the child of one of your customers. Oh well, at least you have the Discovery Channel. I can't complain about that.
*I liked time warner cable because it had Food Network on it. The cable we have now, which is from Dallas of all places, doesn't have Food Network. What kind of garbage is this? Why don't they have Food Network? That channel kicks serious backside. Congradulations Extended Cable, you've thouroughly disappointed the child of one of your customers. Oh well, at least you have the Discovery Channel. I can't complain about that.
It's been a while.
Comments on my posts make me feel good. I like it when people comment on my posts. In fact, maybe one of you will comment on this post. I'm just trying to give a little nudge to those of you who read this blog. Besides, you don't even have to have a blogger account. You can do it anonymously and then leave your name with you message. Come on guys, I don't bite.
"The only losers are those who don't try."
My entire junior year of high consisted of fixations. I was fixed on radiohead, keira knightley*, being a free-spirit, and how to supress these obsessions for the sake of God. Does it sound ridiculous if I say that radiohead pulled me away from walking closely with God. Rather, I think it was the simple fact that I let myself become enamered with that cool band. But I rememer thinking during that period of time that I wanted to get close to God. I would try but all my attempts seemed fruitless. I would think of times that displayed me being close to God. Well, recently, I came across a journal that I had written in during one of those fond times and found that I was struggling with very similar stuff then as I was in my junior year of high school. It really still doesn't make sense to me, but I assume that when you literally cry out to God for help when you are struggling, you feel much more in line with his step than when you "cry" out. I think the struggles of my junior year were comfortable struggles; they didn't seem to cause any direct harm to me except for my conscious, which was saying, "Forrest, you have idols." The moral of all this?: Harmless idols are so much more destructive than painful oppressions of the mind, body, and spirit.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Call Us Up when You Need Some Flavor to Your Party.
I'm OCD about C.O.P.E.
"Cause your words hit like a train and I can't ignore it.
This moment could be our last.
You fall in love and I'm running after.
You move way too fast." ~ "Don't Slow Down"
If you're wondering why I'm posting so many lyrics from the the band Copeland lately, it's because they are such cool lyrics. I don't know that these lyrics would be as moving to me if I had never heard the music that goes with them, but I know that where I stand, these lyrics are awesome. If you've never heard Copeland, check them out on the itunes music store or amazon.com. They're so cool. Aaron Marsh's highly sung vocal melodies are awesome. The songs are so easy to get into.
This moment could be our last.
You fall in love and I'm running after.
You move way too fast." ~ "Don't Slow Down"
If you're wondering why I'm posting so many lyrics from the the band Copeland lately, it's because they are such cool lyrics. I don't know that these lyrics would be as moving to me if I had never heard the music that goes with them, but I know that where I stand, these lyrics are awesome. If you've never heard Copeland, check them out on the itunes music store or amazon.com. They're so cool. Aaron Marsh's highly sung vocal melodies are awesome. The songs are so easy to get into.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
"I need you like the dragonfly's wings need the wind,
like the orphan needs home once again,
like heaven needs more to come in.
I need you here like you've always been."
like the orphan needs home once again,
like heaven needs more to come in.
I need you here like you've always been."
Friday, May 05, 2006
Schlitterbahn ...in Lubbock? Say What?
So it's 4:30 in the middle of the night when the stupid fire alarm starts going off, wailing with a fake voice "please evacuate the building ...blah blah blah." Andrew (my roommate) and I were not happy campers. Although, I think he took it better than I did. Anyway, we returned to our room at 5:00. Both of us had 7:30 a.m. finals, so this meant that we could get about one more sleep cycle in before we took our exams. Still, my heart is very bitter toward those fire alarms. What was that? There was no fire? Can you note my sarcasm?
Needless to say, I woke up and went to take my final for psychology. As I walked the Art building with it's broken sprinker's, I felt as though I should have been at Schlitterbahn, maybe even Seaworld. Finals aren't as fun as water parks; this is a universal truth. Also, the weather is rainy and dreary outside anyway, which almost always tends to be the case whenever I go to a water park. It's days like this that remind me how much I like Schlitterbahn.
Aside from this, you few who read this blog, I like you guys. I hope you all have a good day and get an opportunity to go to a water park soon---hopefully a good one like Schlitterbahn.
Needless to say, I woke up and went to take my final for psychology. As I walked the Art building with it's broken sprinker's, I felt as though I should have been at Schlitterbahn, maybe even Seaworld. Finals aren't as fun as water parks; this is a universal truth. Also, the weather is rainy and dreary outside anyway, which almost always tends to be the case whenever I go to a water park. It's days like this that remind me how much I like Schlitterbahn.
Aside from this, you few who read this blog, I like you guys. I hope you all have a good day and get an opportunity to go to a water park soon---hopefully a good one like Schlitterbahn.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Hush your voices while the star talks.
I wish I had an orchestra playing behind be while I spoke aloud deep thoughts. In the movies it seems like the still, pensive atmosphere that a gentle orchestra supplies gives already deep dialogue an even greater level of depth. So it seems.
"Remember me when you're the one who's silver screened."
Am I not interesting to you anymore? Do I bore you? What happened? Can you feel the heartbeats anymore? Are they slowing down with every moment of distance? Would you even care to contribute to a conversation at a cup of tea? Has everything become unraveled? Only the Creator of time can tell.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
"So long and thanks for all the fish."

This is a dophin.
According to some people, dolphins have magical powers. I don't know if I would agree with that, but they are cool. Dolphins are mammals. They have been known to save the occassional diver who is stranded in shark-infested waters, and I'm not kidding about this one. In short, dolphins are better than pigeons, which serve no purpose other than to piss mankind off by daring to crap on his statues and monuments.
Last night in the empty apartment room, I stared blankly at a plain white wall. As I stared at it, there was a gentle praise and worship song being played in the background by a skinny man with a skinny guitar. Staring at the wall with music playing, I felt so surreal and thought to myself, "God, it's in the quiet when I'm trying the least to find you that You reveal yourself to me." It's that kind of spiritual bliss that's hard to describe because it seems like it only comes rarely. A quiet moment when any potential utterance, whether verbal or mental, is not allowed to speak. It's not an emotional "thriller." No crying, no laughing, just a daze of silence wear I had nothing to say and even if I did, couldn't. It's surrender. It's me shutting up for once and allowing God to speak---to assure me that He is what this life is about. It's a stillness.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Crap! It's been a over month since I last updated this thing.
Here's some things I have to say about Texas springs:
1) They are blissful when the first role around.
2) How hot they tend to become wears thin fast.
Here's some things I'm doing today:
1) going to 3 hours of class today
2) writing a paper for english
3) going to a picnic for my Bible Study via Cru
4) and if I am lucky and someone spontaneously comes up and asks me to go, I may check out the new freebirds. I'm crossing my fingers on this one.
Here's some things I have to say about Texas springs:
1) They are blissful when the first role around.
2) How hot they tend to become wears thin fast.
Here's some things I'm doing today:
1) going to 3 hours of class today
2) writing a paper for english
3) going to a picnic for my Bible Study via Cru
4) and if I am lucky and someone spontaneously comes up and asks me to go, I may check out the new freebirds. I'm crossing my fingers on this one.
Monday, March 20, 2006
This Beautiful Mess

I can't get over this album; it's so good. This Beautiful Mess is probably sixpence none the richer's best album, not to mention that it's one of the best album's under the Christian label (if you really want to hold sixpence to that limitation). It's so beautful because it is so real. In "Love, Salvation, and the Fear of Death," singer Leigh Nash cries "I can't speak in tongues and even if I could, it's nothing because I have not love." Everything is so introspective and self-examined. ("Will I ever know what's wrong with me? Will I ever see your hand again in mine?" ~ "Melting Alone.") I'll admit, there are times when I can simply relate with what this album has to say. There are moments of desperation but never a complete loss of hope. ("Messiah, I know you are near, within without me, holding me" ~ "Within A Room Somewhere") I enjoy every minute of this album, except maybe the song "Disconnect," which I do like, though. My favorite songs are "Love, Salvation, and the Fear of Death", "Within A Room Somewhere", "Bleeding", and "Circle of Error."
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Hmm, so I haven't posted in a while. Yeah, that's right. Since I have nothing to say, here's the chorus to a song I just bought off iTunes. It's a really cool song.
"Just nineteen, a sucker's dream
I guess I thought you had the flavor.
Just nineteen, a dream obscene
with sixmonths off for bad behavior." ~ "Special Needs" by Placebo
"Just nineteen, a sucker's dream
I guess I thought you had the flavor.
Just nineteen, a dream obscene
with sixmonths off for bad behavior." ~ "Special Needs" by Placebo
Monday, February 27, 2006
brrr, today is warm
I saw a guy with rollar blades today. I think I want to start rollar blading. Yes, it's just whimsical but I don't care. I just don't care! I wanna rollar skate.
In other news, the weather here in Lubbock has a mind of its own. The catch, it's mind is bipolar. It goes from chillingly cold to sunny warm and without a single sign. The only way to know is by checking with the weather channel (or the weather forecast widget on the dashboard of your computer. That is, if you have an Apple.)
In other news, the weather here in Lubbock has a mind of its own. The catch, it's mind is bipolar. It goes from chillingly cold to sunny warm and without a single sign. The only way to know is by checking with the weather channel (or the weather forecast widget on the dashboard of your computer. That is, if you have an Apple.)
Monday, February 20, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006

This is a picture of an anchovy pizza. My dad likes anchovy pizza, but personally, I've never been a fan, which would discredit any identical genetic link that both my father and I have with regards to our taste buds. But let there be no mistake, I love my pop, even though he likes some funky foods.
: ::
bllllllllllllllllllue skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiys
Lubbock and the rest of the world has blue sky's, except in the evening and night, in which case, they are usually reddish and dark blue, respectively.
Lubbock and the rest of the world has blue sky's, except in the evening and night, in which case, they are usually reddish and dark blue, respectively.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Saturday, January 21, 2006
pulleys pulleys pulleys
I like my new dorm room. It isn't as dusty as the last one. But I'm not that fond about it being on the 5th floor. With the elevators being as slow as they are, I have to come up with new ways to amuse myself while I wait for them. Maybe the next reality tv show will be bred in my imagination during one of these elevator-waiting periods. Maybe I'll make a new friend who's waiting for the extremely slow elevators as well. Maybe my iMac will unexpectedly explode while I'm waiting for the elevator to come down to the first floor. Maybe... I'll take the stairs.
Martha Stuwart on a Cafeteria Television
When I went to the dining hall yesterday morning for breakfast, I sat alone, as I usually do, but this time I watched Martha Stuwart on one of the TVs. It's amazing to me how blunt see is with her guests sometimes. Anyway, the breakfast was good, in case any of you were wondering.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Sufjan Stevens
Okay, so I've been listening to another album from ought 5 called "Come On Feel the Illinoise!" by Sufjan Stevens. I like it now that I've listened to it a bit. I think I might give it a place over "Guero" by Beck, but I'm not certain of this. All the same, it's a solid release by the Mr. Stevens, who like me, is a little bit of a dork. Considering the fact that the album bears 22 freaking tracks, I haven't completely listened to the whole thing, but so far "Chicago", "Concerning the UFO Sighting Near Highland, Illinois", and "Jacksonville" are probably my favorite tracks.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
The Bends

I can't stress the fact that any radiohead album you buy you'll be pleased with (with the exception of Pablo Honey-their debut record). And here is The Bends. Radiohead's sophmore release is nothing less than brilliance in the form of wonderfully passionate rock. Thom Yorke tends to focus a lot of the lyrics on human frailty in this album, so there's a whole lot of tenderness as well as a sense bitterness and angst. I love The Bends. Every song is awesome and passionate, although some are more so than others. I don't have any favorite songs off of this masterpiece but I do tend to like "Fake Plastic Trees" and "Black Star" a lot (I'm not copying you, Nathan; we just have the same opinion here).
Thursday, January 05, 2006
"I'll feed you light"
Swoon, baby, starry nights
May our bodies remain
You move with me I'll feed you light, baby
May our bodies remain
"Public Pervert" ~ Interpol
May our bodies remain
You move with me I'll feed you light, baby
May our bodies remain
"Public Pervert" ~ Interpol
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
I've been thinking about each one pretty hardly. My favorite, hands down, is their self-titled album. I've seen it noted that each one of the autumn's albums seems to tell a particular story or have a particular theme. In THE AUTUMNS the main theme is the ocean. Almost every song has referrece to the sea and the very music itself sometimes reminds me of the beach boys. But the reason this one is my favorite is because I think it has the best songwriting of the three. It's hard to say that songs like "Hush, Plain Girls," "Slumberdoll," and "Wish Stars." aren't beautiful and exciting.
I've been thinking about each one pretty hardly. My favorite, hands down, is their self-titled album. I've seen it noted that each one of the autumn's albums seems to tell a particular story or have a particular theme. In THE AUTUMNS the main theme is the ocean. Almost every song has referrece to the sea and the very music itself sometimes reminds me of the beach boys. But the reason this one is my favorite is because I think it has the best songwriting of the three. It's hard to say that songs like "Hush, Plain Girls," "Slumberdoll," and "Wish Stars." aren't beautiful and exciting.
jumping in puddles foot first
...(-)and there's forgiveness in the eyes of love
which knows no bounds and is hindered by no thing
and you have finally come
when I needed you most
and wanted you least
and knocked some since into my head(-)...
which knows no bounds and is hindered by no thing
and you have finally come
when I needed you most
and wanted you least
and knocked some since into my head(-)...
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
The short kid with the gangly legs says that he didn't like the swisher sweet he had toight. Forrest didn't like the taste because swishers are nasty cigars; they are the basest of the base. However, the sugar-coated end tasted nice.
In Other News:
1) I liked my sophmore year of high school the best. freshman and junior years had their moments while senior year just flat-out sucked.
2) I've been taking showers instead of baths, lately.
3) Saw the Brothers Grimm. thought it was okay but lacked some crucial character development. Plus, it was slightly too neurotic for my already neurotic mind to take.
4) I'm looking for to seeing the old lady who admits people into the dining hall. ...not really, but she is a nice old lady.
5) There's still nasty swisher sweet in my mouth and I wish it would go away, be gone, get lost.
6) We'll climb the Astro Crag tommorow just like we dreamed of doing when we were in elementary school.
In Other News:
1) I liked my sophmore year of high school the best. freshman and junior years had their moments while senior year just flat-out sucked.
2) I've been taking showers instead of baths, lately.
3) Saw the Brothers Grimm. thought it was okay but lacked some crucial character development. Plus, it was slightly too neurotic for my already neurotic mind to take.
4) I'm looking for to seeing the old lady who admits people into the dining hall. ...not really, but she is a nice old lady.
5) There's still nasty swisher sweet in my mouth and I wish it would go away, be gone, get lost.
6) We'll climb the Astro Crag tommorow just like we dreamed of doing when we were in elementary school.
I think out of all the albums radiohead has come out with, Kid A is probably my personal favorite.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Missing Kid on a Carton of Milk
Nathan, what happened to you? Where have you been? We've all been wondering and worrying about you. We've come to think that you've dropped off the face of the earth. And I've called your cell phone but you never picked up, so I started leaving pointless messages. I hope you get a decent laugh out of them. I'm free the 7th to let you know, so we can hang out on that day; that is, if you read this post before then.
going to withdraw
going to run away
as far as these legs will take me
I'll gush for as long as I need to
and then hopefully, you'll turn my head
in your direction
kill the selfishness and swollen obsession
that I've so casually allowed to deposit on my heart
and turn my head
in your direction
going to withdraw
going to run away
as far as these legs will take me
I'll gush for as long as I need to
and then hopefully, you'll turn my head
in your direction
kill the selfishness and swollen obsession
that I've so casually allowed to deposit on my heart
and turn my head
in your direction
La Marimba
To the two or three people who read this blog, Happy New Year. Let me give you a valuable piece of new year's advice.
don't tell yourself you can't do it just because "your fingers won't bend in that position" because mine didn't do that at first either. And don't worry about making the guitar the most played instrument by amateurs, because if observation shows me right, it already is. Guitars are fun and cool, but I've always felt that pianos were just plan beautiful. It's sort of a difficult task to hit this off with the guitar. It can be, and has been done, though.
don't tell yourself you can't do it just because "your fingers won't bend in that position" because mine didn't do that at first either. And don't worry about making the guitar the most played instrument by amateurs, because if observation shows me right, it already is. Guitars are fun and cool, but I've always felt that pianos were just plan beautiful. It's sort of a difficult task to hit this off with the guitar. It can be, and has been done, though.
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