Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I got into another pointless argument with one of my friends, recently. I made some comment about how certain guys try to prove their "machismo" by being obsessed with football and going hunting. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a particular problem with either sport, but I do get annoyed when "what is manly" is defined in such narrow terms. Then something happend. My friend didn't seem to want to believe that "machismo" is a real word that is actually used in english. I could feel the tension creep up between us. Maybe he was really just upset with the social commentary I made with regard to our culture's definition of manliness. Maybe he really didn't want to believe that "machismo" is a real word. I truly have no answer for why a small bit of dissonance developed inbetween us for that brief period in time. I will tell you this, though: I'm getting tired of the constant arguing over stupid, pointless things.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Thursday, February 15, 2007

This Is What Happens When I Have To Write a Paper for My Technical Communications Course.

According to Wikipedia:
"A gnome is a legendary creature characterized by its very small size and subterranean lifestyle. According to the alchemist Paracelsus, gnomes are the most important of the elemental spirits of the classical element of earth; they move as easily through the earth as humans walk upon it, have conical hats, and the sun's rays turn them into stone. In other traditions, they are simply small, misshapen, mischievous sprites or goblins (with pointy caps). Some sources claim they spend the daytime as toads instead of in stone and they are also said to have magical powers that make people feel sad or happy."

Let me just tell you that writing a four page paper (single-spaced) about corporate and local codes of conduct isn't nearly as much fun as reading about gnomes.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

I've really gotten tired of blogging. It's not that exciting anymore. Maybe I'll have some more inspiration to do it in the future.
Anyway, today was the superbowl. I don't pay much attention to football, but I did catch that the colts won. What does this information do for me? Nothing really. What does this information do for avid football fans? It either elates them or crushes them. I've never understood football. I probably never will. I do like a good sci-fi, though. I can understand those.