Monday, October 02, 2006

Something that's taken for granted

Flossing. Let's face it, folks, only a small number of Americans actually floss on a daily basis. I'm not in that minority. The person reading this probably isn't in that minority. I wish I was in it. I wish you were in it. And here's why: Everytime I go to the dental-hygenist for the semi-annual cleaning, my gums are always left in an uncomfortable pain because she (because dental-hygenists are always of the female persuasion) put the floss to the inner recesses between my teeth.

I flossed my teeth tonight and my gums weren't very happy about that. With consistency, though, the little guys will become tough hard-a's soon enough. I just have to stick with it. Did I also mention that flossing daily is good in the prevention of cavities. It's a win-win situation.

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