Well, I don't have any more finals until Monday, and even then, there is only one. So what am I to do with myself until then? Should I study for the rest of today and all of tomorrow? Probably so, but I know I'm not going to. This break presents itself as time for me to read, get back to the guitar, or contemplate extensively why I still have a cold. Aren't colds supposed to go away after two weeks? I thought so. This is a bastard of a cold.
Yesterday, my LP copy of Radiohead's In Rainbows came in. It's so beautiful. I wish I had a cool frame to place it in. Urban Outfitters has them on their website here. I should get a couple.
In other news, Prince Caspian is coming to the theaters on the 16th, which sort of sucks because we'll be at summer conference. I advocate that we sneak out and watch it at midnight. I'm not sure if Laguna Beach, Florida has a theater that will doing a midnight showing for Prince Caspian, but if they don't, they should.
I'm so freakin' excited about Prince Caspian... I love Narnia and C.S. Lewis so much... And despite what some idiots sometimes say, I thought that The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe was a nigh-perfect adaptation.
Yeah, it (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) was pretty cool. It's definitely way better than the crappy BBC adaptation of it. Although, that one is kind of enjoyable to watch because of how campy it is. And I'm right with you on Prince Caspian; it will be the movie of life.
I vote you totally sneak out...I mean what are they gonna do, send you home?! No. DO IT. Maybe it's pnemonia.
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