Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Coffee Shop Stop

Well, today was my last day to work at the Barnes and Noble Café in Tech's Student Union building. I'm supposed to work their next year, but who really knows what next year holds. Maybe I'll be the lead guitarist of a band called the Iron Tree Roots. Maybe not. Maybe Barak will say something extremely detrimental to his campaign and be pushed way behind in popularity. Maybe not. Nevertheless, who knows? And Who knows indeed. But I would like to mention some of the people I'm going to miss and some of the people I'm not going to miss. I'll start with the nicer stuff first.

I'm going to miss:

that short, old, senile lady who works at the ATLC in the library and who gets a refill of coffee every day, even if she just has a plastic lid to validate that cup is indeed a "refill."

the really pretty girl who wore Chacos and Chucks and who ususally got a refill of coffee and a bran muffin. I never actually talked to her, though. She wore a Stars Wars T-shirt one day; that was cool.

all of the asian people who are usually really hard to understand and who, as a general rule of thumb, buy every drink in 12 ounce portions.

I'm not going to miss:

that douche bag frat boy who seems to think that I inherently know the size every drink order he makes.

the crazy — and probably autistic — Russian lady who would drink the condiment bar's half-in-half in 3 ounce cups

all the sorority girls who would order "tall, skinny, sugar-free vanilla lattes"

the occasional influx of junior high and high schoolers who would order — without a doubt — frappuccinos.

Well, these are the customers I will and will not miss. I bet I'm forgetting somebody...

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