Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Winter Wonderland (Not a Theme Park)

Since it's starting to get cold outside, I think it's appropriate to share some of my reasons why I don't like chilly temperatures. But don't worry, for this will not be a complete bashing of winter. There will be some reasons why I like winter to counter the reasons why I dislike it.

3) I get cold easily, which apparently isn't very normal for my gender. In my house, one of my roommates likes to keep the heater at 68 degrees, whereas I like the temperature to be a nice, moderate 72 degrees. I think 74 is ideal for the house in the winter, but that may seem a bit extreme for most. My roommate and I constantly have quarrels about our preferences in temperatures. Once I tried to compromise by setting the thermostat to 70, but that didn't change anything because he still changed it back to 68.

2) I sweat more in the winter and late fall than I do in the spring and summer. This seems like a paradox--and it may be--but it's real annoying since it seems to dry out my palms. I don't own any lotion, and even if I did, I don't like the way it feels on your hands when your trying to use them. Nathan, you're a sick man.

1) The ice (occasionally) on the road.

So here's a few reasons I like the cold of late fall and winter:

3) The change is nice. If I had to spend my entire year in Lubbock, Tx, I'd probably lose my sanity. Likewise, if I had to spend the entire year in a constant summer, I would get real bored. I'd probably also lose my sanity just because.

2) It's a good reason to cuddle with people, and by "cuddle with people" I mean cuddling with females. By "cuddling with females," I mean making out. By "making out" I mean, ...jk

1) I think one of my favorite things about cold weather aside from jackets and fireplaces on fire is the contemplation of why Buddy, our dog, likes to go outside so often. I swear he's been outside at least 5 times tonight. Each individual "visit," as we shall call them, has been short, but it baffles me as to why he's taken so many of them. I know he doesn't have to go to the bathroom that much. It's good food for thought. I mean, what do our animals do when they go outside and we're not watching? Do they interact with the wild creatures? Do our cats exchange feline sex for cat-nip from the alley cats? And don't try to tell me that that doesn't happen, because it totally does...just maybe not the part about the cat-nip. I'm just rambling now. Anyway, I hope you like these two lists I've just made. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he he.
you were totally right about that.
That's right where I went.
and I laughed real loud.