Friday, December 07, 2007


At the Barnes and Noble Café where I work, there is a crazy woman who comes in very often. She's about 5'4", where's glasses and has really thin, stringy hair. She also talks funny, as you would expect any eastern european to talk. When she places an order, I always have to try really hard not to laugh. If she is buying an apple, for example, she will with a sort of guttural urge, "I'll take diss!" Then there's my favorite thing I've heard her say, which is "What soup you have today?" I also really liked it when she asked me to put hazelnut syrup in her iced tea one time. "I want hazelnut in tea!" ...weird. I'm glad she frequents the café, though, because it's the crazy foreigners that make my job interesting.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love it bro :) Pav.