Wednesday, January 05, 2011

iMusic, uMusic, he, she, itMusic

   eMusic has truly set the plates spinning. Things used to be much simpler when their selection was clearly limited to mostly independent music. With their recent shift to bring mainstream music at a more affordable price than iTunes, the difficult conundrum of where to go to get music has arisen. eMusic now has practically everything iTunes has, yet this is not always the case. If I want something cheap, I can swing on over to eMusic and download it from there instead of iTunes. Conversely, if there is something I want that only happens to be on iTunes, I can open it up and download it there, even though it will of course cost more per song. My biggest concern right now, however, is that with $9.34 of store credit for iTunes, there is absolutely nothing I am aware of to buy. The nice thing, though, is that this credit will rest very comfortably with my account until I do find something to use it on. I can guarantee, of course, that I won't be using it on Jennifer Knapp's new record. Of this you can be sure.

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