Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I got into another pointless argument with one of my friends, recently. I made some comment about how certain guys try to prove their "machismo" by being obsessed with football and going hunting. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a particular problem with either sport, but I do get annoyed when "what is manly" is defined in such narrow terms. Then something happend. My friend didn't seem to want to believe that "machismo" is a real word that is actually used in english. I could feel the tension creep up between us. Maybe he was really just upset with the social commentary I made with regard to our culture's definition of manliness. Maybe he really didn't want to believe that "machismo" is a real word. I truly have no answer for why a small bit of dissonance developed inbetween us for that brief period in time. I will tell you this, though: I'm getting tired of the constant arguing over stupid, pointless things.


Anonymous said...

forrest buddy!
it's been far too long, my friend...
maybe i'll see you around sometime soon.
as for a way to define "manly", i believe in the renaissance man. and even if "machismo" isn't a word, i make up words all the time. hooray for new words!

Anonymous said...

I think the tension is probably a result of way too much machismo on your friend's part.

ma.chi.smo - noun. strong or aggressive masculine pride.