Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cherry Professor Pepper

I got Cherry Dr. Pepper on my gray t-shirt and tan cords this evening. Man, that sucks, you know. Cherry Dr. Pepper is probably one of the last drinks I'd want to spill on my clothes. Milk is the last.

Yesterday, I made my poetry professor laugh, which I think is probably one of the hardest things to do in life. She had a take a word and just write about it. I wrote about "warmth." I wrote, "Warm is not worm, even though they sound similar. A coward never feels warmth from the things he is cowering from." She laughed at the worm part. That made me realize that she can actually laugh instead of always just saying "that's funny" without even letting a laugh out. She's probably my favorite professor. I wonder if she likes Tori Amos.

a little blubber in my igloo
and I knew you pigtails and all
girls when they fall ~ Tori's "Marianne"

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