Wow! It's been a while since I last posted something. But this indeed happens often, I realize. I'll go for a while without writing, then write, then neglect to write for an extended period of time. Consistency would be nice, but I don't that I should expect that of myself. Nevertheless, my intention is to post more regularly from now on.
I've been trying to read more since I've lived in San Marcos. Well, I guess I've been trying to read more since the day I was first immersed into that mythic and action-packed world inhabited by the four-eyed Harry Potter. My tastes have matured a little since then, but I give that book series credit for peaking my interest in reading books. Right now I am reading three books—the Bible, written by all of those blessed saints of old by whom it was the Lord's will to speak, the earnest and contrite
Confessions by Saint Augustine, and
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. In a way I don't know if I really need to list the Bible. In my prescience there's no foreseeable point in which I see myself taking it off of the roster, perpetually on cue as it is. At some point, I'll either stop or finish reading Les Miserables and Confessions, but the Bible is continually to have it's own sacred space on the shelf of my reading list.
In regard to music, I have been listening to an old nineties emo band lately—some of the progenitors of emo, Sunny Day Real Estate. If your favorite band was determined by the one you have been listening to most currently, then I guess Sunny Day Real Estate would be mine. I still hold to Radiohead as my favorite, yet something about the austerity and terseness of their music has made it less listenable for me lately than it was in the past, wheras I feel strangely uplifted by Sunny Day Real Estate and the solo recordings from its lead singer Jeremy Enigk.
I should go now, for I have work tomorrow morning and should get some rest. Plus, I have a cold and the congestion/running nose is pissing me off. I hope that sleep'll help me forget about it. Amen