Sunday, May 21, 2006

I Like Death Cab for Cutie.

There's a song by Death Cab for Cutie called "Passenger's Seat." Here are the lyrics.

I roll the window down
And then begin to breathe in
The darkest country road
And the strong scent of evergreen
From the passenger seat as
You are driving me home.

Then looking upwards,
I strain my eyes and try
To tell the difference between
Shooting stars and satellites
From the passenger's seat as
You are driving me home.

"Do they collide?"
I ask and you smile.
With my feet on the dash
The world doesn't matter.

When you feel embarrassed,
Then I'll be your pride.
When you need directions,
Then I'll be the guide
For all time.
For all time.

This song remineses the story of a young boy riding right next to his father in the car on their way home. The cool thing about the dialog is the accuracy of the ideas and mannerisms in it ("with my feet on the dash, the world doesn't matter.") They tell the story in a way that most people could relate to on their initial listening. Additionally, the words Ben Gibbard uses to portray these ideas are also so precise that they help in giving a strong portrayal to the story a young boy riding in the car with his father. I particularly enjoy the line, '"Do they collide?" I ask and you smile.' That's so cool.

Monday, May 15, 2006

"Sleep Now Moon"

Sleep now moon.
I'll watch over her while the sun is up,
And you'll have her eyes again soon.
It's a glorious day
And my lonely heart is tired again
And I am
Starved for her attention, oh

That's when Paula sparks, oh
That's when Paula sparks a little light in my eyes
(Ever since she went away)
That's when Paula sparks a little light in my eyes
(I miss her more everyday)
That's when Puala sparks, oh

Sleep now sweet princess.
I'll cheer for you silently
And carefully not to disturb, oh.
And I'll be ready on that evening
When you're starved for my attention
And you'll say
You'll say
"Wait now prince.
There's a brilliant sky above
and a jealous moon in love and they are
Starved for our attention, oh."

"When Paula Sparks" ~ Copeland

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I Live in the Boonies...No Cell Phone Service Whatsoever.

I used to live in the city of Kerrville. I liked living in the city of Kerrville. My cell phone (which has a lubbock area code) got service, we had time warner cable*, and lastly, it didn't take 20 minutes to get to river right by starbucks (as opposed to the starbucks by the river**). We recently moved to a housing division outside of Kerrville. My point here is that I can't recieve or send calls to people where I live now; I've tried. Most of the people in my cell phone directory are my friends from college. I can't really call them, nor can they call me. So if any of you are reading this who have my cell phone number, don't bother calling me; it probably won't get through, that is, if you wanted to in the first place. On a side note, I tried calling my friend Andrew and couldn't get ahold of him. That's what it's like.

*I liked time warner cable because it had Food Network on it. The cable we have now, which is from Dallas of all places, doesn't have Food Network. What kind of garbage is this? Why don't they have Food Network? That channel kicks serious backside. Congradulations Extended Cable, you've thouroughly disappointed the child of one of your customers. Oh well, at least you have the Discovery Channel. I can't complain about that.

It's been a while.

Comments on my posts make me feel good. I like it when people comment on my posts. In fact, maybe one of you will comment on this post. I'm just trying to give a little nudge to those of you who read this blog. Besides, you don't even have to have a blogger account. You can do it anonymously and then leave your name with you message. Come on guys, I don't bite.

"The only losers are those who don't try."

My entire junior year of high consisted of fixations. I was fixed on radiohead, keira knightley*, being a free-spirit, and how to supress these obsessions for the sake of God. Does it sound ridiculous if I say that radiohead pulled me away from walking closely with God. Rather, I think it was the simple fact that I let myself become enamered with that cool band. But I rememer thinking during that period of time that I wanted to get close to God. I would try but all my attempts seemed fruitless. I would think of times that displayed me being close to God. Well, recently, I came across a journal that I had written in during one of those fond times and found that I was struggling with very similar stuff then as I was in my junior year of high school. It really still doesn't make sense to me, but I assume that when you literally cry out to God for help when you are struggling, you feel much more in line with his step than when you "cry" out. I think the struggles of my junior year were comfortable struggles; they didn't seem to cause any direct harm to me except for my conscious, which was saying, "Forrest, you have idols." The moral of all this?: Harmless idols are so much more destructive than painful oppressions of the mind, body, and spirit.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Call Us Up when You Need Some Flavor to Your Party.

One of the highlights of this year was dressing up like complete idiots. The picture above is of Ben, Andrew, and I, and we look like complete dorks. At least we had fun doing it---that's important.

I'm OCD about C.O.P.E.

"Cause your words hit like a train and I can't ignore it.
This moment could be our last.
You fall in love and I'm running after.
You move way too fast." ~ "Don't Slow Down"

If you're wondering why I'm posting so many lyrics from the the band Copeland lately, it's because they are such cool lyrics. I don't know that these lyrics would be as moving to me if I had never heard the music that goes with them, but I know that where I stand, these lyrics are awesome. If you've never heard Copeland, check them out on the itunes music store or They're so cool. Aaron Marsh's highly sung vocal melodies are awesome. The songs are so easy to get into.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


"I need you like the dragonfly's wings need the wind,
like the orphan needs home once again,
like heaven needs more to come in.
I need you here like you've always been."

Friday, May 05, 2006

Schlitterbahn Lubbock? Say What?

So it's 4:30 in the middle of the night when the stupid fire alarm starts going off, wailing with a fake voice "please evacuate the building ...blah blah blah." Andrew (my roommate) and I were not happy campers. Although, I think he took it better than I did. Anyway, we returned to our room at 5:00. Both of us had 7:30 a.m. finals, so this meant that we could get about one more sleep cycle in before we took our exams. Still, my heart is very bitter toward those fire alarms. What was that? There was no fire? Can you note my sarcasm?

Needless to say, I woke up and went to take my final for psychology. As I walked the Art building with it's broken sprinker's, I felt as though I should have been at Schlitterbahn, maybe even Seaworld. Finals aren't as fun as water parks; this is a universal truth. Also, the weather is rainy and dreary outside anyway, which almost always tends to be the case whenever I go to a water park. It's days like this that remind me how much I like Schlitterbahn.

Aside from this, you few who read this blog, I like you guys. I hope you all have a good day and get an opportunity to go to a water park soon---hopefully a good one like Schlitterbahn.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Oh the humanity that I hate so much but couldn't live without
In dazes I find myself straying from the one I should love most
and hazy I find myself sculpting figures that just make me pout
Love, break these clay mannequins and make me love you the most